The Father says, “People watch you, but do not know you. I know you and I love you unconditionally. I am taking you to new places with new faces. Ones that will be able to see beyond the mistakes and faults to set the atmosphere for the gold within you to finally come out in full measure. Double-mind people will demand one thing from you, and then demand the opposite in the same breath. I do not want you to go to and fro at the whims of others.
I setting you up for a mind that is sound and for you to know the times and seasons. There are moments that I will tell you way in advance what My plans are for you, and times that I will only give you a last second warning to turn now. You must seek My Presence daily to understand which is for your now and which is for down the road. When you step out ahead of My Voice, you will find that things crumble and not open to fruition. Many will give up at this point instead of coming before Me for a course correction.
Do not let pride rule your heart. The enemy seeks to destroy you from the inside out. Own up to your mistakes and take responsibility. When you refuse, rebellion is what you carry. I am able to right the wrong moves that you make, but I desire that you learn and grow so that you will avoid these pitfalls in the future. If you continue following the wrong voice, you will certainly begin to believe your own self-righteousness.
My house must be cleaned. Take inventory of what I am bringing to your mind in this hour. Do not take on the robe of shame and condemnation. Instead look at this purging as allowing My Spirit to flow fully in and through you. When you are stopped up with worldly junk, you will not continue to live out of My peace and joy. I Am a Gentle Father. I desire only the greatest places for your feet to trod. We are going to do amazing exploits together. It is time to believe and see yourself as one that I can and will use for My Glory and Honor.”