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Daily Prophetic Word October 26, 2016

Writer's picture:  MaryEllen McCloud MaryEllen McCloud

The Father says, “You have rights and entitlements as citizens of Heaven. Tap into what is yours. I am calling My People to step out in faith and just watch how I show up on your behalf. You are not weak and the enemy surely underestimates you. Call down what is yours. Command what is not, to Be. By your prayers and decrees will you shatter the forces of darkness. Step into My Presence and proclaim My Glory over the Earth.

You are walking into a time where Healing; Signs; Wonders; and Miracles become more and more commonplace among My People. Just Believe! You already have what the world desires and desperately needs. To see for yourself, you must cast aside what is blinding you. People say that I change not, and with the same breath claim that what was for the church in the New Testament has faded away. Does this seem reasonable to you? Did I stop pouring out your rights and entitlements? How can one explain why My Spirit still performs and operates as it did long ago then?

It is time to take out the shovel and bury once and for all the lies and false beliefs taught through religious minds. I Am the God of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. There is no other. It is the truth that I change not, but I also release New Things in you, through you, and all around you. The vastness of who I Am is far beyond what could and will be comprehended by My creations. I only needed to create a way once through the Red Sea but that does not mean that I stopped creating the way for every need and adversity that you face today.


people, wake up for you are at the dawn of a New Day! Forsake the limited mind and open yourself up to the impossible becoming possible. I am right here with you fighting the battles and proclaiming the victory. You are rising up. Even when things appear to be moving in the wrong direction, choose to see and know that you are about to behold what your heart has longed for. The Angels have sounded the Trumpets. Change is Here!”

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