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Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word September 4, 2016

The Father says, “Sometimes the key to a breakthrough is just surrendering. Have you tried all that you can do and still find the ocean swallowing you up? Did you keep a brave face to the world and fall apart when no one was looking? There are times even your best of friends is unable to help you through the rough surf. They lack the vantage point to see above the situation and murky water. It is in this moment that I will come with My Ruach Winds. I breathed the breath of Life into mankind, and find this day that you are revived once again.

You will not be overcome, and you will not perish. I alone will do what no one else is able to do. Lean on Me as your source and Savior. Is there anything too hard for Me? Have no fear and just reach out your hand. Too many are letting condemnation or blame block their rescue. You will not see the truth until you decide to be open to the realization that your opinion is flawed. The Why of your situation is not always understood at the time that you are in demand of answers. Some answers are further down the road, as time is your better teacher.

Walk By faith and not at what you can see in this snapshot of your life. I will not let you down, and I will not disappoint. Release and let go of your anger, for I will take you to a higher vantage point so that you will gain the perspective into what I Am doing in and around you today. Choose to see that I Am setting you up for a blessing and not a curse. Even when you think you are losing and not gaining ground, find that I Am taking care of all that concerns you today and forever.

You cannot hold too opposites in your hands. You cannot say that you Love when you are speaking Hate. One will advance you and fill you up with My Best. The other will scar and wound until you are imprisoned in bondage. Darkness is a consuming power. It seeps in and takes over before the person fully recognizes the negative impact. But hear Me My Child, once you add My Light to that circumstance, the darkness automatically leaves for good. Do not let dark areas enter the rooms of your heart. Instead speak My Light and Love even when your flesh insists on another reaction. When you do, you will find that nothing will keep you stuck in the graveyards of yesterday!”

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