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Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word August 15, 2016

The Father says, “Refresh your identity in Me. Many see their own image based on what they have and what they do not have. They sit there making a list while counting out each characteristic one by one. Stop looking at what another so easily demonstrates wishing you could be like them. Do you not realize yet? I have so many beautiful gifts and talents waiting to come forth in each season. When you focus on what is not, you will never see what it. How do you truly know if you are in lack until I reveal what has been hidden for such a time as this?

I know you better than you know yourself. I created you after all. You possess exactly what you will need to carry out every assignment I place in your hands. Do you not believe so? Still not satisfied? Then ask Me for the desires of your heart then! Will I deny a heart pure before My Throne? I co-create your life with you. I will answer your request. Can you already see My answer leaving Heaven? You never have to see yourself as stagnant. You are ever changing in My Glory. Release a mindset that would settle, and grab onto all that I have done, Am doing, and will do in and through you.

I Am not finished with you yet. No, I have not completed all that I placed you, at this moment in time, to complete. Do not quit and do not give up. The opposition you face is just that, opposition to Me and not you in reality. I said the battle is Mine and it truly is. Shake the disappointments off for I will give you better through your faithfulness. Be careful that your mouth does not repeat the lies that your mind has believed. I Am for you always. Why would I create you only to throw you away? I have done everything for you, yes you!

Be expectant for I Am delivering new gifts after gifts. All of heaven is rejoicing at what is coming. To accomplish more, you will need more. What you openly receive in this hour will be yours for the remainder of your days. What you reject, will not come back to you the remainder of your days. I will instead give that gift to another. Do not become your own stumbling block. I Am searching the hearts of those willing to Called and Chosen. My true people will be ones that will not waste what I have for them. Take up these opportunities now for they will not revisit your doorstep. I Am looking for a Bride that is not in a slumber or rebellious.”

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