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MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word August 3, 2016

The Father says, “I Am releasing a greater capacity to be Creative in all areas and needs in life. This is not just for a few to grab onto. I desire that all unleash their creative side for this is part of who I Am and what I will bring out through you. Do not say I am not this or that. I Am the One who bestows all talents, giftings, and anointings. What you seek more of, you will surely find in due season. The Treasure Chest of My Love for you is still being uncovered piece by piece, and one day, when you reach the realm of Heaven, will you see all that I have for you. I promise that you will love how this turns out.

Travel in My Love for you this hour. Your days and nights may be filled with Tears and Joy skillfully mastered together, but I Am indeed working out all of your crooked paths until you reach the smooth and gentle road that is coming up right before you. I have not forgotten you or left you to fend for yourself. Even on days that it looks like I took My watchful eye off of you, know that I Am working out all of the details that you need for victory and to overcome all that is oppressing you in this hour. I will not leave any area untouched. I know your needs even before you cried out to Me.

My Angels are assigned to meet needs that you didn’t even foresee. Let Me wash over you My Peace and Understanding beyond comprehension. Everything is going to be ok. Would I lie to you? I have watched over and taken care of you since the beginning. Look again. My Hand moves over every detail and concern. Nothing is too small for Me to handle with care. Let Go of your striving, and Let Me run with that burden. Can I not do a better job? You are not walking in lack. Change your mindset. You are walking in abundance, and My Kingdom is at hand.

I will spend all of your days pouring out My Love upon you. Do not look down, Look up for your deliverance is at your doorstep. I hold nothing back, for you are worthy of everything that I have. You are not denied, you are blessed and highly favored. The world will tell you otherwise, but who will you trust and listen to. I created you, and I will be with you always. Forget your troubles, and come sit with Me. I long to pour out My heart to you in this day. I will show you such wonders that are circling all around you. Your smile is about to return, and you will walk in My Glory. Just keep walking forward!”

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