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MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word July 26, 2016

The Father says, “Come beyond My Inner Court. You are not forbidden for the veil has been torn. You are invited to go on a wild ride deeper into the unknown that I desire you to experience and participate in. Many will think that only certain people can ever venture this far, but is this what you believe? I created you with an unwritten book, and as I have placed on those pages My Desires for you, I have also left room on each page for your desires. What do you see today written before you?

For you see, the enemy has made a counterfeit book as well. He seeks to show you his version of your life every chance that he can. He will try to convince you that I wrote that book, and that I do not love you beyond imagining. It is time for My people to SEE the deception plaguing their minds. No more will you fall for the sly serpent circling your camp. I Am shining My Light in all of the dark places of your life. I will expose the lies that you have accepted as truth. I will remove the weapons used against your soul.

The Shofar has sounded. The battle cry has begun. I will undo what has been done to My people. I will heal their brokenness and restore their lands. I will burn in the fire any alternate plans that I have not designed for My Beloved. Wipe away your years of disgrace for I Am the One who will make all things New. I place you upon the Seat of Righteousness for My Namesake. Today, see yourself as co-creators in your life that will be born anew. What seemed as a failure is just something that has yet to bloom. Can I not make even dry bones live again?

Even what you did out of your own efforts can become glorious with My touch. Let Me have all that you have been striving to do on your own. Give me that burden that you won’t even let your best friend carry for a moment. I want it all! Your time is here to walk on roads that never reach the ground. Remove the mindset of doom for this will never be your portion. Remove the blindfold that you so willingly put on. You are living and dwelling with Me. You are seated in Heavenly Places. You are the One that I did everything for. You are the Heart that I Chase for all of eternity.”

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