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MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word July 20, 2016

The Father says, “You cannot make someone else fit into your box or live by your expectations concerning their future. It does not matter if you firmly believe you are right or within your boundaries to make such demands. Many of you are killing the calling and destiny within those closest to you. What you dreamed for that person may not be in any form the truth of where I desire them to be. You must release people to go where My Voice and Hand lead them, even when they are unsure if I Am behind their steps.

Do not provoke your children into having a rebellious spirit just to break free of your opinions about how their life should look like, today or in the tomorrows to come. I Am the One who wrote their days out before My Throne. I know exactly how to get them where they need to be and do for My Namesake. Even if they will not fully submit today, Let Me Have My Way! Do not judge their failures and missteps. There is nothing that I cannot use for My Glory. You may see their sin as a spot against your parenting, but I see it as an opportunity and testimony to just what a Life in My Hands can become. Do not let your pride get in My way.

Release the outcome in your mind and heart. I may let them become a Prodigal son for a season before they will be fully yielded to My will. I have heard your cries since before they were born. I know your heart to wish only the best reach their shores. Let Me create them into the vessel they need to become. No one reaches their highest level any other way. I may not stop all things from their days of experience, but I will use it to launch them into all that I have for them. Do not see what is happening as a negative. Instead see My Glory before you. I know what I Am doing.

Callings are molded in a person from the environment that surrounds them. Right now, they may not fit into the shoes that they will eventually use for influence to a lost and dying world. My timing is on purpose and on time. Even if others do not see fruit budding, I most certainly do. Do not send hate towards your children. Come to Me for reconciliation, for I will make all things new once again. You are an extension of Me before them. Let My love pour out of you this day. Let Me show you just how much I love them, and have plans for good and not for harm. I will show you just what an amazing treasure I have placed inside of them, that in due season, will explode for My Glory and Honor. They are not lost, I already found them. I Am watching over My Word to perform it.”

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