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MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word July 19, 2016

The Father says, “Many of My People have become tolerant and accepting their current situations as status quo. You no longer come to My Throne and ask for great and mighty things. Your ears have grown dull and your eyes dim. Religion has taught you that I Am not a God you can come to for any and all needs. I Am labeled as a God who does not care about the suffering of the world. This is the same accusation of the enemy. Can you not hear his chants from the abyss?

My Children, I would do anything for you including sacrificing My Son so that you can be with Me always. You are not left without a hope or a future. I have each one of your days numbered and resources above imagining ready to come meet any need that you have. Ask and Ask Boldly. Will I not come into your situation this very day? You are worthy of all that I have. You are so very precious to Me. What can I do to show you just how much you mean to Me? Come and share with Me your heart this day.

The Stone was rolled away and the debt was torn up. The payment of sin has been settled. No need to hang your head low any further. Religion has taught too many of My People to constantly beat themselves up over things that I long forgave and forgot about. I desire that you see yourself as a Saint and no longer a sinner. I have clothed you in My Best and Given you a Crown for the world to see. You are Mine. You are a new creation. Change the image of yourself in your mind and in the picture frame.

As long as you stay stuck in the old, you will miss all that I Am doing on your behalf. I have so many days of blissful joy for you. It is time to open your eyes wide and your arms even wider. Forget all of those people who want you to wallow in sin long gone. It does not matter who reminds you of your past sins and mistakes. I have already removed that stain from your records. People may try to discredit you or say you are less than worthy, but I Am the One who will continue to bless you despite of your enemies and yourself. I control your life, and we have great exploits to experience and the spoils of war to collect. You are My Beloved. This is who you are to Me, forever and forever.”

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