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MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word July 14, 2016

The Father says, “When your back is up against the wall look as to who made that very wall. I give you strength and support. My comfort is all around you. Will this storm knock down one of My walls? I will not always provide an escape plan. Stand your ground without fear, for I Am battling for your victory. Today, find weapons in your arsenal that you did not even fathom were in there. Divine strategies are coming to you swiftly. This will be a short war lasting but a mere moment, but what comes out of this will leave your feet walking on pure gold. What was, will never come your way again.

You are about to leave this place. Many have crossed you off and not even considered that you are made for a destiny of greatness. Many have looked at who you were decades ago and determined that I would not consider you worthy of such a High Call. I have placed My Seal upon You. No one can remove it, not even your naysayers. Few will ever look deep enough to see the treasure that I have placed inside of you. It is time to expose what has been hidden and buried. I Am not judging your past, so you also need to not limit yourself by what you think are your obstacles to overcome. Instead, see the slate wiped clean. No longer will you even answer to the regrets of yesterday.

I will shut the mouths of those that attempt to rise up against you. I will not let anyone harm My anointed. For their arrows are about to turn around and come straight back towards them. Be on the look out for people who suddenly want to ride your coattails. I have called each one to their own authentic walk in Me. What is for you is for you. I will not let another usurp your position or authority. Do not let your mind become distracted by the swarm of bees stirring in the hive. I will only take you higher and higher until they grow weary in their attempts to bother you.

Who will not recognize or receive you, will not partake in the abundance of blessing I will pour out of your life onto those who will open their arms to you. I created and endowed you with exactly what is needed in this hour. You have thought more time of preparation was required, but know My Child that some growth and training is on the job. All has been made ready. Now you are standing on the threshold of that door. The voices are loud, but none have you by the Hand. Follow My lead only. Feel My presence all around you. Soon I will push you through, and life as you know it will shift for My Glory and Honor. The New Dawn has arrived!”

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