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MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word July 3, 2016

The Father says, “I made you to be loved and to give love. This is the highest call to your day. When you feel Love is not the largest part of your life, I want you to come before Me. I desire to explode all around you people that will breathe life and love into your very being. When you feel there is a lack, I will send My chosen to fill you up. You will not even have to look far and wide, I know just who is nearby able to be the extension of My hands and heart. Yes, I saw all those that have hurt you, but I say to you, do not close yourself in behind walls that keep love out.

Will you let Me use you in the same manner? Can you remember a time when you just stumbled upon someone in need and you were the exact answer they were looking for? Guess what, you were sent without even knowing it. In fulfilling that assignment, you received just as much as you gave out. This is where I desire you to be. Giving and Receiving within My Kingdom purposes. Understand that what you already possess is all that is required to use you. If I told you ahead of time, would you have spent days preparing instead of just being?

Let Me do the work within you. Striving in human flesh and will, is not necessary and works against the ease of Me using you as I please. There will always be people who demand to see your resume before they deem you qualified to serve Me. If I can use a donkey with zero human ability, I can certainly use you for any and all things I wish to accomplish. I will guide you in areas that I plan to increase in you, through natural education and knowledge, as well as, spiritual. Let Me choose which direction you must go to be equipped for My glory and honor.

Man looks to the worth of a person, but I say that I Am the One who makes you full of worth. Besides Me, there is no higher truth or authority. I have called you. I find your value and worth complete in the finished works of the Cross. I do not care what areas you see as weaknesses. I say to you that those aspects are exactly the ones that I will use the most. Just sit back and watch Me use what is your least for My greatest. Would I do anything less for you? In the decrease, I will increase, and by My power alone will you walk on that water in all territories. It is time to put away the excuse book in your life, and take that risk to a life beyond imagining in Me. You will never regret a life with Me at the center."

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