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MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word June 22, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word


The Father says, “In the next part of your journey you will find that I supernaturally take care of many aspects that in the natural would not withstand your path, but through Me, you will have no problems. Just as the Israelites did not find their shoes wearing out, your needs will be met in this way as well. Many walk by the notion that seeing is believing, and I say to you that when you walk in this mindset, you will not see the miraculous. You are to have faith like a child not be childish. It is time to walk in full sonship and realize that your existence is more than just flesh and blood.

If you could not actually walk in spirit, I would not tell you to. Stop counting your days on Earth as your full truth. People look around at all that I have done and choose to see it from My Hand or by a mere accident, but the choice is the same regardless of what the facts present. You must have faith to believe in a lie just as much as the truth. Two people can take the same evidence and come up with completely different truths. Do not be someone who shapes others by lies that you see as truths. You must seek My truth to walk in it. Just passively picking up information will not give you My Fullness and Light. Study and show yourself approved before Me.

Peter knew my truth but decided to not rock the boat with the Jews. He succumb to shifting My truth with a mix of their lies and called it all truth. You will pay a price for standing firm for My Namesake. I sent the Five Fold Ministry to My people as their plumbline of standards and truth, and church after church decided that they knew better. I have said that I Am establishing My plumblines back into My Bride to bring down the false gods and idols that My unfaithful have done inside of My house. This time, My plumbline has been prepared in secret, and they are an army that will not fold to the pressures of those in leadership nor the people in the crowds screaming for their removable.

I Am a God of order, structure, and most certainly authority. I sent Paul to straighten out Peter and so too have I sent many to those who are walking in lies. You will have the same choice as Peter; repent and come back to My truth, or be cast out. I will divide the true sheep from those going through the motions for My Namesake. My Bride is tearing herself apart because men think they are right in their own eyes. They call My servants false because they desire their own heart and flesh. You are no different than a Gentile choosing to be under Jewish law. Did I not complete the law for you? Did I not set you free from all bondage? Then do not enslave yourself to the wrong things. Who I have made My Called and Chosen will withstand all of the war that the Bride will sling at them. You will not destroy what I have ordained. Be careful, do not harm My anointed! All other kingdoms will fall to the hands of My True Anointed. I give them the full victory and the spoils of this war.”

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