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MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word June 15, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word June 15, 2016

The Father says, “Just as a child places a seashell to the ear to hear the ocean, I Am showing you in this hour how to hear My Voice from all of My creation. I have promised not to leave you without My guidance in all things. Pay attention for what you encounter is not a coincidence. If you stop for a moment, I will speak throughout your day in brand new ways. Look around with childlike faith and wonderment. I have much to tell you, and I will speak in a greater measure if you will decide to hear.

Listen to Me. I do not just speak to ones deemed as special before Me. No, I speak to all of My children for all are special equally. You must turn your dial to My frequency and wait until you hear My Voice. You will start out with uncertainty, but in time, you will receive confirmations so that you know that you know that you have heard correctly. I will reward your diligence for wanting more from Me. I long to pour into you My heart and words for your life.

Do not shy away from this invitation. I created you for fellowship and intimacy with Me. This is where you belong. We are not strangers or foreign. You have always been with Me since the foundations. There is a new awakening coming. I new understanding of who you are in Me. You are not who you thought you were even just yesterday. I Am doing a new work in you. I have you moving from glory to glory; victory to victory. You are getting a Royal Make-over with no spot or wrinkle.

The Christ in you is establishing the greatness within you that will come out in this season. You won’t even have to look very hard for My flow will just overflow out at the right moments. Just Be. Just come sit at My feet and all will happen according to My will for your life. There is no secret handshake to learn or master. Now that I have your attention, a greater speed will envelop all that you put your hands to. What took seasons to see come into fruition will happen in weeks or days. My power is exploding over My Bride.”

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