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MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word June 10, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 6/10/2016 The Father says, “ I Am not in the past. I Am here in your now moving and shifting all that has to change for your sake. The great movements in My Spirit that have come and gone, are gone. If I have not resurrected what once was, then you living in that movement will not do anything for your gain either. Even My Spirit is in the new music not in songs long since past. Many believe I will never do a new thing, but the truth is I Am always releasing the New over the whole Earth. If you want to catch the New Wave of My Spirit, you must be willing to let go of what you are holding onto. Where I Am is where you must be as well to stay in My Flow and Glory. You are not designed to set up camp and stay for long. The Frequency from Heaven changes like the songs of Whales. All of My Creation knows to walk in the new from Heaven. You will go from Glory to Glory when you decide to chase after what I Am up to right now and not eat the dung from what has already happened. You are only limited in receiving what you decide is your limit. My fountain is overflowing whether you choose to partake or not. Do not speak against what I Am doing for this generation. I Am not finished with any generation and none is better than another. All has a divine purpose to fulfill, and I will demonstrate My Power through those who are willing to be used. Age and gender are not a consideration, for I will speak out of the mouths of babes if I so desire. My people can learn from any vessel that I choose to use. Release the mindset that I will only do something one or two ways. A closed mind will not reap from what I Am sending to you in this hour. Many reject for years My Spirit moving throughout My Bride until that movement is over. Don’t be late to the party. I will dance and celebrate over My People, and I will show Myself in new and familiar ways. I will not come at you the same way I did in previous years. This is a new day and a new dawn for My People. Are you ready for what I Am releasing to the world right now? Catch the wave and enjoy the ride.”

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