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MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word June 3, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 6/3/2016

The Father says, “Did you get filled up today? The infilling of the Holy Spirit is yours, but many pass it by thinking they have enough already. What you seek to increase in your life will only do so when you take steps for more. Deeply crave the Holy Spirit’s presence so much that you will not do one more thing until you are in the overflow. Relationships take cultivation and earnest time in the flow. As you draw near, the only response will be a bond closer and deeper than you have never known before.

You will see life differently. You will see yourself differently. I desire to pour out My Love so completely in you that you will have no other outcome then to let the overflow of My Love pour out to any and all that come across your path. Man does not come into the Kingdom through any other truth than Love. You cannot truly scare someone into the Kingdom for when that fear leaves, what is left behind is not the message of the Cross. Love is the message of the Cross. This is the message from your heart into those you wish to impact for My Namesake.

The world will tell you to pick up your weapons and fight for random and even some seemingly important causes. There is no weapon needed to bring someone into the Kingdom. Love is all. Love the lost enough to tell them the Good News. The same as you heard when you made a decision to be My Beloved. Many feel they need to be a biblical scholar to convince someone to trust in Christ. Not so. Have I not said that I go before you to open hearts and minds? Tell them how Much I Love them! Tell them how much I long to walk with them in the cool of the day.

When you do, they will surely see My Love shining through your eyes. My Love is what shatters the walls and lies of the enemy. I want to use you to reach the lost and dying world. Will you partner with Me to be My Vessel in the territories I have planted you in? You are ready for this next level. Have no fear for My Angels are assigned to assist in all of your needs. Just be looking for open opportunities even in places that once were dry and hostile. When you arrive, you will find open and empty vessels, just waiting for someone like you to show them the way. Soon they too will be filled with the Love of their Creator. I desire that none should perish!”

Luke 24:49 49 Listen carefully: I am sending the Promise of My Father [the Holy Spirit] upon you; but you are to remain in the city [of Jerusalem] until you are clothed (fully equipped) with power from on high.”

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