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MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word June 2, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 6/2/2016

The Father says, “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Gather all of your fears, worries, struggles, and less than perfect days. Now place them in the bucket. How big is your bucket? The size is only a tiny speck compared to what I Am able and willing to do for you. I have provided you with solutions, and I give you no lack in discovering all that you are searching for. If you want a change in scenery, you will first need to stop looking at what you think is immovable. Reality is only what I speak into your life. Spending time in a false image will keep you stuck.

I desire you to wash away all of the false idols that you have around you, but also inside of you. The false images you have built up about your own self. Are you even really who you think you are? Who would know more about who you are then the Creator of All? My People have designed walls around who they believe they are and what they perceive is their lot in this life. I say dream bigger. Does that bigger dream bring fear or excitement? When you place that dream in My hands, I promise to refine it and send it straight to the target of My favor.

Release the mind that it hasn’t happened before so it will not happen now. The past does not indicate anything other than direct moments for other things to have come to life. Today is your Now and Today is where your dream can be birthed into manifestation. Why not reach up for the highest level you desire, and watch Me send you even higher? Too many sit on the sideline and wonder why others receive My great and mighty gifts. I say, why not you too? I have not disqualified you. Ask Me!

A life of regrets will do you no good. Looking at others with envy will do you no good. Just because it seems like a mountain does not mean you will not enjoy the journey. There is nothing that you cannot learn or be equipped to do; either in the natural or supernaturally by My Hand. You see, you are limitless as long as you decide that you are. That is your full reality in Me. Time is on the clock. Let Me show you what I can do with your hands that I so delicately crafted. I promise to not disappoint.”

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