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MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word May 30, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 5/30/2016

The Father says, “If you want spiritual freedom, you have to own what you do against others during your day. You cannot have a mind living in evil thoughts and expect to climb higher in Me. The two are incompatible. Make repentance and forgiveness your daily desire, and you will remain able to flow in the things of the Kingdom. Just one moment, and just one wound, and just one negative thought against someone can throw you off balance and out of alignment. My concern is for your own soul, and the condition you have allowed it to come into.

Even in your weakest moments you can choose how you will react or respond. Would you rather have My Love pouring out of you or your judgmental mind against one and all? I have not asked what your opinion was on any matter before you. I have asked no other man either. People speak claiming to know what I Am up to, but in truth, they spend so little time before Me without their own opinions. A crowded mind will not hear My Heart or Voice. The enemy will attempt to rule your thoughts if you continue to have opinions to the left and to the right of My will.

My ways are not your ways and My thoughts are not your thoughts. Your setbacks are merely setting you up for not only a comeback, but to be launched into the position I have desired for you. Stop looking at who you think is to blame, and start looking at My answer to that issue. If I have allowed it to happen, I must have a reason in My Purposes and Plans. You are not defeated, so get up off of the ground this very day. A correction to your steps is not about punishment, but rather to get you to think about what you have left on autopilot. These actions are sabotaging your life in ways you have not taken into consideration.

You cannot live of life of anger and expect My blessings to reach through your barriers set up in your own heart and mind. Decide today to let Me in to heal all that is wounded, scarred, and torn up from years of living life your own way. Let Me show you the cracks in your walls that are allowing the enemy to rule over you. Come to Me daily with all of your mistakes and failures. I will restore and remake you on the Potter’s Wheel so that the cracks are made whole again. Even the most egregious of crimes can turn into a blessing for your soul. I will show you the way to total freedom. I will show you the schemes of the enemy before he can grip you once more. Decide to walk in the spirit and not the flesh!”

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