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MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word May 5,2016

Daily Prophetic Word 5/5/2016

The Father says, “My People look in the mirror of their inner being and only focus on the areas that sin has entered and touched. Do you not see and have you not heard? Christ came to restore all that was destroyed through sin entering the world. Which are you happier hearing out of others; their successes in Me or their failures without Me? What you focus on will indeed help you soar higher or sink lower. If all you see is what is not likable in the opinions of man, then you will never see how I plan to turn that around for you. I created you and called you good. Do not let the wars of this world taint that beauty for one more moment.

Live as if you were never soiled. Live as I have truly freed you from ever having to place filthy rags on again. You were bought and paid for. This is not a future notion for when you get yourself cleaned up more to please some idea of a god that is not I Am! I know what you are capable of and what you are not. Do not throw stones at yourself hoping to shatter the image that you do not want. I said you were created in My Image. Let Me purge out what is not of Me and fashion you precisely to My Mold. I dwell inside of you and you inside of Me. You are no longer lost or separated from Me.

Anything opposite of what I speak is a lie. The opinions of your family and friends should bare less weight than you are holding. It is wonderful to hear the godly praises from others, but know that ultimately what I Alone think, feel, and believe about you is what matters. I can shift any negative in your life into the most beautiful of sunrises. You are not limited by earthly abilities or endeavors. Others will always look to define you, but I say you are indescribable. What you think is your ceiling to reach actually is not a concept in My kingdom. I will take you as far as YOU will let Me.

I have embedded deep inside of you the imprint of My Nature in you. This is not some out there kind of concept. This is what allows you to be limitless. You are not small nor insignificant. The enemy will indeed run from you. You have a voice that when released at the right frequency can indeed make that Mountain Move. Not in theory but in reality. Stop staring at your sin and give it all to Me every moment of your day. I Will cleanse you and use everything you see as a negative into something extraordinary. I Am not taking you to a trash can. You are sitting right next to Me in Heavenly Places. You are My Precious Child who I would leave the 99 to go find.”

~Blessings Ellen McCloud Replenished Hope ‪#‎replenishedhope‬ ‪#‎dailypropheticword‬ ‪#‎dailyprophetic‬

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