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MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word May 2, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 5/2/2016

The Father says, “Many have been living in the well of bitterness. The pit has grown since you last looked. Do not be fooled. The enemy fed you lie on top of lie until you no longer could see beyond the pain. Hold My hand for today I Am lifting you out of what you have been spinning in. You cannot stay here any longer! I Am the Resurrection and the Life! It is time to let go of the pain that you have become so familiar with.

I will heal and erase decades in a mere moment. Decide not to grasp one more time at this worthless cause. I will restore all that was taken and lost. What you perceive as real was only fluffed up by the enemy who wanted you to believe the worst about that situation. Let Me use those ashes to make you fly higher than before. I will teach the enemy not to look your way again. Let Me clear the score. Do not focus on any other person but focus on what I Am up to on your behalf.

Know that what was meant for harm, I will turn into a blessing. I will teach you how to be joyful in all things, for as even in pain you will be set free. A new level of understanding is falling at your feet. The shoes you walk in tomorrow will bring you clarity like never before. I use the bad to create even more good in your life. Can I not do all things? You are walking in times where things change swiftly. Place all of your needs on the altar this hour. Just watch what I do next.

Do not look away from your deliverance of years of bondage to the sins done against you. The tide has already turned to your favor. It is now that you will be able to see with fresh eyes what was blocked from sight before. Resist the temptation to pick up the old wounds and lament about it once again. I have more for you and this will only delay my purposes over your life. I love you My child. Let me heal your heart right where you stand.”

~Blessings Ellen McCloud Replenished Hope ‪#‎replenishedhope‬ ‪#‎dailypropheticword‬ ‪#‎Nowisyourtime‬‪#‎hope‬#dailyprophetic ‪#‎prayforthenations‬ ‪#‎chosengeneration‬‪#‎bestisyettocome‬

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