Prayer Challenge for Our Nation and the World

I see so many people spend their day sharing and posting messages that are anti leaders and other things. I honestly don't have the time to find out how many of those posts are truth or just fear based agendas. My plea to all of you, for the next year, is to create a prayer list for our nation and the world. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance on what to pray for. Pray over this list twice a day. Take time driving to work or back home praying for our leaders. Pray that the demonic forces fall, and that lies are exposed. Pray for Godly wisdom to fall upon world leaders and that the blinders of the people are removed. Pray for the Christians who are persecuted all over the world and at home. Pray that all who are bound be freed. Once a month, fast 2 meals and spend that time in extra prayer. Our battles are fought and won in prayer. Put your prayers on facebook for everyone to see and come into agreement with. Throughout the history of mankind, God has controlled the heart of leaders. Proverbs 21:1 The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it whichever way He wishes. We have seen God harden a leader's heart, and we have seen God soften a leader's heart. The condition and will of the church is the driving force of God's hand. Complacency and self-centered ways allows room for ungodly leaders to step into power. We cannot be a people who compromise against God, and in favor of the world. Go through the whole Bible and make a note of anytime things went right for God's people when they compromised with the world. You are not of this world. You are Called to be the Salt and the Light to change the world from dark to light. YOU HAVE THE POWER WITHIN YOU. You are trained with your slingshot and 5 smooth stones. If God is for you, who can be against you? After 365 days, you will have made, at minimum, 730 prayers just for the nations of the world. Do you not think this will have a MAJOR impact on the flow and progress of our nation? Prayer Changes Everything! I really hope everyone diligently accepts this challenge. I would so love to see the hearts and minds of the people change back to God's will. ~Blessing MaryEllen Martyn