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Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

Crossing Over January 2020

Crossing Over January 2020

God has been talking to me about this for the past month concerning His people. January is a very powerful month for most, if not all of us, in some way or another. Many roads, chapters, and doors are closing. Big giant doors and smaller alike. Many are ignoring what God is asking of them in this hour because they are focused on other false battles around them. Listen very carefully. God is purposely reminding you of past situations where you have a soul wound even when you don’t realize that past issue caused a soul wound. To move into the next, that wound needs to be dealt with. “WHY? it’s been here this long.” I will tell you what He is bringing up is manifesting in how you think, feel, respond, and go about other decisions today. It may indeed seem trivial, but the most insignificant things to our own mind, carry the most weight against us accomplishing our calling and moving into our greater promises.

Take a moment and write down all of the memories that keep resurfacing. Look at them in the light of what behavior you do today that stems from those memories. That is your key to breakthrough! Bring it before the Throne for deep healing. If you need help from someone anointed to walk you through it, then do that. Do not allow Pride or Embarrassment keep you stuck behind. I have worked with several people over the past four months where God is completely rewriting major sections of their path because other people didn’t come into alignment. For myself, God has shown me two paths about one topic in my future. If the one person God chose to come into alignment in my life does not over the next few weeks, God has prepared a whole new path for me in that area. God will not continue to hold you back when you have walked faithfully with Him. Even if you were delayed because of others for months or years, like myself, God is ready to move you on in this moment. Follow His lead so that you do not stumble in the coming months. Take nothing He is showing you lightly.

This month is winding down in many ways but winding up to what is coming February-May. This is your moment to arrive where God has been setting you up for. Trust that He has prepared you for what is to come and finish working on what the Lord needs you to move through whole and healed. Complete what is before you and do not allow distractions to take a hold.


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