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Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

Voice Crying in the Wilderness?

Voice Crying in the Wilderness?

There are many Christian leaders, who walk in strong levels of position, who are chronically attacking others Christian leaders in the Body over their own personal beliefs that the other leader is not obeying God for this or that reason. Sure they can find plenty of scripture to take out of context to back their words, but there are plenty of other verses taken in context that support the ministry that is under attack. It is easy to be swayed when we only listen to one side of the debate. The leader being attacked rarely has a voice in the matter unless they decide to fight back, which it is better if they do not answer their accusers in reality. Pay attention to who you follow in ministry. If someone is always talking division and hate, do yourself a favor and walk away from that person. If you are swelling with negative emotions after you listen to someone's rant, know that this is a sign to stop listening. God would not entice you to have negative emotions about His own. When God co-creates a ministry with a person, the details are discussed in-depth between God and His Chosen Vessel. If God is unhappy with something in that ministry, trust that God surely knows how to get their attention without any help from the peanut gallery. God was definitely able over and over in the Bible. People heard Him loud and clear as to what God wanted and what He did not want. Do not think that God does not still speak this clearly to us today. He most certainly does. I have heard some say that God will bless an unrighteous ministry as punishment to those blind enough to follow that person. God does not play games with His chosen vessels, and He would not dishonor Himself or the vessel with such nonsense. He wants us to walk in truth and love in all things. What saddens me is that the people under attack are clearly in love with the Father and Jesus and walk in the flow of the Holy Spirit. We are not talking about the enemy's deceptive leaders here, we are talking about those who are God's Royal Sons and Daughters too. Just because someone can form a convincing argument against someone does not make any of their words truth. God never called us to enjoy watching others being attacked. If you really feel someone is off track, PRAY for them instead of trashing them. God will be honored when we do this.

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