MaryEllen McCloud

Jul 21, 2019

July 20, 2019

The Father says, Many are pushing and pulling trying to get something started. I want you to center yourself and focus on what I am about to do. There are doors that will open only when I reveal them to you. No amount of hunting will bring it any sooner. I will put My wind behind you so that you know when it is time to move again. I am restoring your resources. I am upgrading your gifts. Take some time to survey where you have been for soon your surroundings will change. I am placing My protection upon you.

My finger of favor will touch the land before you walk upon it. Change your mind to see the Good before you and allow Me to adjust what is out of alignment. People will come and people will go. Do not see this as a negative for I am changing those who will walk with you in the next few seasons to come. Rest and stay in peace. I will not show you all at once, but I will prepare it all for you. Soon your hands will be busy and the restlessness you have been feeling will subside. You have not missed out! I am making the old new again to the point it will not be recognizable.
