As the Church of God, we are living in very challenging times. There are so many things going on throughout the world, that one often struggles with it all. And so it is vital that during these difficult times, we be led by the Spirit of God in our prayers.
Too often we fail to set our minds on things above. We tend to focus on the difficulties, the injustices, the immorality that we see in the world, and those who promote or champion such things. And so as a result, we may end up carrying some bitterness, or resentment, or even wrath in our hearts; concerning not just the sin, but the sinner as well.
The problem there is that too often this influences our prayer lives. We may find ourselves praying for judgement, or even for vengeance, upon people, or groups of people.
This is not what God has called us to. Our warfare is not with flesh and blood. We are not called to call down fire from Heaven. Man's ways are not God's ways.
God would have none to perish, but that all come to repentance. He would have all to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
God delights in being merciful.
He has called us to cry out to Him for people, not against them.
God hates sin, but He loves the sinner.
We must get the Heart of God on these matters, praying His will, and not that of the flesh.
We must not allow our love to grow cold, for we are vessels of His Mercy.
Let us not resist God in our prayer time.
Let us not be like Jonah!
Faith isn't simply believing God for the improbable or impossible; it is also yielding to God when you feel otherwise. If not, you limit how much He can use you.
We need to get the burden of the LORD, for ALL the lost; regardless of personal feelings.
We need to Pray for ALL.
These are people, whom God loves, whom Christ died for!
Pray the prayer of faith for them, which saves, and thank God for their Salvation in Christ.
"Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us..."
Amen LORD.

from Elias Kharman