The Father says, A wasted life yields nothing but weeds. Too many focus on futile aspects and decide to do nothing else, but sit waiting on the bench of life. Now is your day to seize and own. Now is My Greatest gift to you. Now is your calling and destiny, which I created and molded with perfection. You are not a nobody, but a somebody that the enemy of your soul truly fears. Will you choose to fear him instead? I Am your Protection. There is nothing man or the enemy can truly do that I cannot turn to your advantage. My Glory surrounds your every situation in this hour.
I have much more for you to accomplish that will reap a harvest grander than all before. That Giant present is still wrapped with your name on it. Focus on the multitude of presents in front of you now, all waiting to be opened as you step out with Faith in Me. You are not denied what would be from My goodness. Be grateful in all things and watch your life flourish in abundance and unspeakable happiness and joy. I am bringing an end to the storm that is currently unrelenting at your door. Watch and See matters being resolved within hours.