The Father says, Troubled waters does not mean you have a troubled heart. Do not accept the lies of those from the sidelines. You can sleep in peace knowing that I have everything in My Control. You did ask for Me to take control, right? I am not caught off guard nor wringing My hands on what to do. Stop and consider how far I have already taken you and how much it is My pleasure to continue being your Helper in every circumstance. I will not let you fall unless it is to take you higher. Just as an arrow must move backwards to fly forward, you will have moments that feel like they have come undone to no fault of your own.
I am putting the pieces together and mending even the torn up ones to fashion together a beautiful story. You will be astonished at what is just around the bend in the road. I know your disappointments have piled up, but I plan to meet you where you are to show you just how much I adore you. Even when there are the tears and anger, I will come through for you. My will and good pleasure will place that smile back upon your face, that only I can do for you. The seas did indeed roar mighty, but I will not fail you.