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MaryEllen McCloud

August 5, 2019

The Father says, Faith is an intangible substance, for your spirit was created to flow in this essence. To say you have no faith goes against your very nature. What you place your faith in, however, is the key. Where you place your faith will become your idol if it is not the Lord your God. Be careful! Many elevate people, careers, and money to a status above Me. Destruction seeps through these cracks in the walls and in time, crumbles the walls and foundations. Many are focused on the future to escape dealing with their current situation to the point that what is to come is now an idol.

You will know this is the case when you trust your own hands over Me. What you focus on is what becomes larger in your life. Many parents place their children above their spouse, but I say you will ruin your relationships on both ends when you do this. Raise your children unto Your Lord and release their destiny to Me. Just as Hannah gave her young son Samuel to his destiny, so too you will need to place your trust for their well-being in My Hands. Idols destroy potential, delay transitions, and deny promise lands. You cannot hold Me and your idols at the same time without suffering lost.

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