The Father says, Just as in the walls of Jericho so too are your walls breaking and crumbling all around you. Do not delay in marching forward for the battlefield is yours to take. Although you have been blocked, for a long season, know that things are about to become easier. You are walking into My extreme level of favor for staying the course and refusing to give up on the promises. Memories from yesterdays are fading in the background. Resist the temptations to replay them in your mind. I am unyielding in My Goodness before you.
What you have struggled to do and be will just flow effortless from your inner spirit like a river that shall not be contained. I have not changed My Mind concerning you. Decide not to change your own mind from this day forward. The road only becomes difficult to set the stage that launches you into new realms in Me. Wars are waged all around you, and wars are won even when your eyes fail to see. I have your days recorded before My Throne. Nothing have I missed and nothing will I leave out in My desires over your life. You can cancel your destiny, but I have declared Yes and Amen. Be a part of the Greatest Move over the Earth Realm. You were born for such a time as this.