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June 27, 2019

MaryEllen McCloud

The Father says, I am breaking the alabaster box over your life. Smell the sweet fragrance that I died to bring to you. Rejoice for I have already taken care of all the details you are looking for. There is no part of your life that My perfume will not reach. My Holiness establishes a guarantee of coverage in all arenas. Decide to be a people who trust and believe in all things of the Kingdom. You are more than you have realized. See yourself through My Eyes. I will do the impossible and improbable through the working of your hands.

There is better in store for you when reach out your hand. The ways of man lead to paths without Glory. I see all choices, and My will only has room for the Best. Many leave the path to seek their own fame and fortune. What I am creating for you takes as much care and timing as all of the universe coming into existence. Would you think I would give you any less attention and beauty? Trust the time that it takes for coal to become precious diamonds. You are merely in the process of the Becoming. Soon you will see what has been hidden in plain sight.

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