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  • MaryEllen McCloud

June 3, 2019

The Father says, I am establishing a new covenant with the youth.. No longer will you be considered a lost generation left to you own devices and missteps. I am releasing a divine wisdom for the youth to walk in. They will forsake what the world has told them was permissible to their mind, body, and soul. This generation will Cry Out for My Throne Room and Presence. Even those who are not in Christian homes will see Me in a way that has never been witnessed before over the Earth. They will know right and wrong directly from My Voice. They will be a generation that turns away from the snare of the enemy that has been offered up on a platter by the prior generations.

People have believed that once a society travels down the wrong path that it will not change back. This is a LIE! I will answer ever sin with conviction that leads to repentance. I will turn hearts of stone into fresh manna. I will build My Kingdom off the backs of whom I choose. I Speak to all nations. Who will answer Me? I am raising up a breed of people that will stand in the gap for what I say. They will charge ahead and force social change wherever their feet may travel. Their voice will not be silenced! My Spirit will flow with Power through these Called Ones, and I will go before them to pave the way.

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