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MaryEllen McCloud

March 21, 2019

The Father says, From the Bottom to the Top, your Latter Days will be far more than you can ever imagine. While the crowd seeking gloom and doom to celebrate calamity, I am not in that spirit. I will waste nothing as an opportunity to shift tragedy into Goodness. When will My People understand that the price for your sin was satisfied over 2000 years ago? Why would you desire to continue to live in the sinful filth that I saved you from? You are in the Economy of My Love. You are already washed white as snow. Who asked you to wear filthy rags again?

I am not angry or off put by any aspect of who you are. You are claimed by Me. I have not regretted My decision nor shall I. I bonded you with My Son so that who you are will become who He is. Are you a sinner or My Saint? I call you My Friend! Get up from the gutter of life and prepare for My celebration of who you are to Me. A feast is made ready in your honor. You may fall short, but My Opinion of you will not change. My Glory invades even the most impossible of situations. People have persecuted you claiming lie after lie. I am setting the record straight even in this hour. Release the sorrow to Me for I Am your Rearguard and protector in all things. Come Away into the Majesty you were born to thrive in!

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