The Father says, Doors wide open are before you. Soon all of your marching orders will hit your spirit. I am downloading your instructions in this hour for you to carry out My Will over the land. Do not worry that the road still seems fogged in for My Mighty Wind will come shortly to clear the way.
You are ready and equipped for where you will go. All has been taken care of behind the scenes whether you were fully aware or not. You are moving into a time that you have never been familiar with before. Although most will look foreign to you, everything will fit like a glove. You were made for exactly this place you are entering. All will come into focus with My brilliance.
Your days of endless toiling are moving off into the distance. Get ready like a person ready to parachute out of a plane. We are almost at the right altitude and location for you to be launched out for My Glory. Nothing is missing in the preparations. Your bags are packed, and plane is fueled.
The wells around you are overflowing their walls. My Living Waters are strengthening you, healing you, and establishing a new refreshing that you have never felt before. Behold I do a New Thing. Forget about this hard season and all of the things that just never seemed to work in your favor. Your life is in My Hands. What was before will not be where you are going. Release and Let go all that has bound you. Today I say you are coming out and walking in Freedom and restoration to wholeness.