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February 21, 2019

MaryEllen McCloud

The Father says, My Purposes are coming into sync in your reality. As it is in Heaven so too will it be on Earth. Small beginnings will take shape into large missions for My Namesake. The little saplings are growing at an accelerated rate by My Rains and Sun. The fruit that is coming forth will shift, shake, and break down the forces that are rising against My true Bride.

Do not let your heart grow troubled. Stand your ground as My Sons and Daughters. I have not left you to defend the territory alone. Help is arriving to stop the enemy’s advancement. Do not let your mind wander from the Truth for the father of lies is whispering in your ear this very hour. Speak to the lie with My Truth. Do not let your heart and mind become confused.

The boulders blocking your path are breaking apart in this hour. Areas of your life that never seemed to have a way to move forward will suddenly be removed leaving fresh green grass for your feet to trod on again. Do not lose hope in this hour. Even when nothing seems to be changing, know that everything is.

You have watched others getting their miracles and blessings wondering if I also mean to do the same for you as well. My Child, you are not without, and My Glory will invade every area that you are in search of. I will never leave any of My people without the My involvement in the big and small. Let My arms comfort you in this season through many abrupt endings and beginnings. You are greatly loved more than you know. I will remain with you always!

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