The Father says, I am working in your garden this day. I am removing what is not of Me so that the only fragrance left is of pure beauty. Weeds must be pulled and destroyed in the fire down to the very roots. You must decide what should die and what shall live in your life. As well, the seeds of lies from the enemy are keeping you stuck in unfruitful areas of life.
My Son is shining over the Land making the harvest one of Good and Prosperous endeavors. Allow Me to guide and mold your life to yield the largest and sweetest harvest ever beheld. Be open to letting go of habits, thoughts, and desires that are out of My plan. Not everything that you must let go of is bad in nature, but it is blocking your path of destiny in Me.
Keep your Eye on the Prize for soon you will see and touch what I am preparing you for. Times of waiting can be trying and lead to moments of confusion. Others may not have the answers for you. Discern godly advice from voices from the enemy. Well intentioned people can still give you the wrong help. Come sit with Me. I will show you how to understand My ways of speaking to you.
What you are seeking is now coming into focus on the horizon. Things are shifting and changing all around you; dramatic, as well as, in silence. For what has been happening in secret will be seen by all. Concerning you, I will lift you High up, for seasons of reward and favor are coming forth in greater demonstration than even anticipated. Years of faithful harvest are finally coming out of the Storehouses of Heaven. For all will Reap what they Sow!