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January 30, 2019

MaryEllen McCloud

The Father says, I hear the cries of My people who have tried over and over to come up higher into My presence. The barriers unseen appear unbreakable. I am coming for you instead because I desire to show you that My Kingdom is accessible to everyone who seeks. What you thought was complicated really is not at all.

You will have encounter after encounter as this portal opens before you. Look around and do not dismiss what I am saying in this hour. You were made to soar in the spirit. You were first made in the spirit and then flesh. Hear Me! You are spirit first and always. It is time for My People to completely understand what is their rights to have access to. You have full ability to do what your spirit was designed and created to do.

Let the limits in your mind fall to the ground. I have been with you since the foundations of all that I created. I know what you are capable of. You were with Me before you began your time on Earth, and you will be with Me now, and after this age has been completed. Understand that you are not separated from Me in any truth or experience. It is what your mind is open to which allows you to see, know, and partake in.

There is not a day that goes by where you are not being touched by the supernatural or My Hand over your life. Many things you take for granted in your natural eyes, and many other things you dismiss as chance. Open your eyes and let them be renewed. You are timeless. This realization is going to hit your spirit in new and profound ways. There is nothing you cannot accomplish for I have ordained more as your portion.

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