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January 29, 2019

MaryEllen McCloud

The Father says, Wash the grime off. You are not what you have allowed to cover yourself with. People will assume wrong things about you. People will lie and slander you as well. I will come swiftly in this hour to not only be your RearGuard but to show that I am with you.

My Finger is upon you. Keep doing what I have called you to do without endless distractions taking your gaze. Know that the solution and strategy you look for is before you. I have not left you without My Voice and Answers. You are coming OUT! Some are looking for Breakthroughs but I say Look for Break In’s! You are breaking into the Glory that is around you.

I am setting you free of long-standing thorns in your side. I am answering your critics who choose to not see any other perspective than their flawed point of view. I am giving new sight to those walking in blindness. What they could not see in truth, they will soon walk in My truth about you.

Cast aside Fear and Condemnation. When I send you to a matter, I will defend your hand in that matter. Sometimes knowing when to be quiet is your best answer. People will demand a response but did I say to give one? Soon this will all be a memory. Choose to see the Beauty in these moments for I Am at work in everything!

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