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January 18, 2019

MaryEllen McCloud

The Father says, Those that have fallen asleep in the Light are about to be woken up. Did you hear that? Many of My People have grown dull and gave up on the beauty that I have set aside for them. Seasons of despair have gone on longer than I had intended because My People chose to believe the lie of No Hope being spoken from the darkness.

I say to you this day. GET UP! You are no longer in that pit. Your mind must start seeing yourself in the Land of Milk and Honey, or you will miss what I am doing in this hour all around you. It is indeed darkest before the Dawn, but that does not mean the Dawn is not moments away. You are on the verge of coming completely out of everything you have been going through. And everything that has been plaguing your heart and mind will receive My answer of Yes and Amen over you!

Do not be double minded any longer. Your freedom was bought and paid for in all areas of your life over 2000 years ago. There is nothing you are going through that I did not know about nor already created a solution for. Whether My Hands are seen or unseen does not change the fact that I am commanding order from chaos. Release the mindset that everything has to be instantaneous. The internal work I am doing in and through you is a vital component in this journey.

Let Me have My way over your life without reservation or the holding back of some parts. I will not go against your free will and force it from your hands. I am patient will all of My Creation. I know what you personally need and desire. Let Me show you even grander ideas to have. My people are limited by believing only small dreams for themselves. If you ask for Big, I will surely give you an abundance and overflow of things that you didn’t even think was possible. I am not limited, and I desire only the highest and best for you always!

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