The Father says, The brokenness you feel inside, I have stirred for your benefit. You see, for as long as you continue to convince yourself that you have no wounds for Me to heal, the longer you will not allow Me to make you whole again. The walls one puts around their heart and mind is just a façade to mask their pain to others. I know everything about you, and I see things that others would walk on by unnoticed.
I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Light! Once you fully give Me that problem, I will begin to work on healing and restoration for you. When I was on the cross, I saw what happened to you last week, 7 years ago, and decades ago. I saw what will happen in the distance. Understand time as I see it. If I heal you today, your future pains change as well. Did you catch that? There is mystery here, is there not?
You walking into the next situation healed prevents that next wound from attaching to a previous wound. How many times have you been wounded and felt it was similar to a time long ago? When I Heal, it is like you were never wounded. For as Far as the East is from the West, I will cast your sins and the sins done against you! To be remembered no more and to never cast a response within your heart and mind again. What I have promised to you, I will always come through for you.
I will fight your battles even when you think no one cares for the cause. I may not handle things the way you envisioned, but know that I will always take care of it completely! Trust My timing even when it is not right away. I am working on the other person as well, bringing understanding and restoration onto them. Bless and Forgive even your enemies. Ask Me for Help! I will surely impart the power to set you completely free!