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  • MaryEllen McCloud

October 15, 2018

The Father says, Do you see? Do you feel? The hour of great shifting and sifting is upon My people. Stand brave for even in the shaking, I am pouring out an atmosphere of peace that will blanket all. What would not move from the dark will suddenly dissipate. What was holding you back, will suddenly let go. The prayers you have sent up will come back down with long awaited answers. What you have sown in tears will be given back to you in fresh purpose. What was thought of as a denial will now be released to you.

You are on a new playing field. Did you hear that? Forget the Former and Embrace the amazing changes that are taking place. You have endured a long season of disappointments and setbacks. Do not take this into what I will bring before you in this season. Do not waste one more moment thinking about what you wished was different about the past. Now is your time to walk in fields of gold. I will redeem what was lost to you in time. Just hold onto My promises until you receive.

I have molded you into a finely equipped warrior. You have grown immensely through the difficult times. You did not break and you are still standing firm. I am pulling you back like a Master Archer pulls back an arrow readying to launch at the target. Do not be alarmed when you feel as if you are stepping backwards. Soon you will be propelled forward at great speeds. You are prepared for all that lies ahead of you. I have many wonderful surprises in store for you. I will make a believer out of you, for My Goodness towards you will not be denied any longer.

You will understand the journey that you have been on. All of the puzzle pieces will align into a beautiful piece of art. Even your loudest Why’s will now make perfect sense. You are My Precious and Beloved. Ignore those screaming gloom and doom. I Am on the Throne Forever. I decide what is and what is to come. If I say your best years are ahead of you, then this is your portion and your truth.

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