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October 13, 2018

MaryEllen McCloud

The Father says, I have not given you the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. In your hands, you will find the tools. In your knowledge, you will discover the know how to use those tools. And in your mind, wisdom will guide you to success. I am raising you up to be a Mighty Warrior for My Namesake. See the enemy run just at the sound of your name. Advancement has come. Acceleration has come. New Worship has come. New Revelation is falling all around. Who you thought you were is changing. Your view and perceptions of the world around you are shifting. What you thought was impossible is becoming possible. Confidence is growing, and what seemed difficult is now just a hurdle you know how to soar over without even a second thought. You have grown farther than any previous time in your life. Celebrate will great joy and lightheartedness!! This is your time to reap a bountiful harvest for even failed crops were redeemed by My Hand. Can I not turn even your failures to gold in due season? There are no limits before you. Release yourself to a place where all things are possible for those who believe. The Kingdom is here and right before your eyes. Your best years have yet to be walked, and you are on the dawn of a new era. My Glory and Honor would bestow nothing less to you! Drop the gloomy mindset for the sky is not falling. My Royal Sons and Daughters are arising. Your new assignments will break you free and those near and far caught in darkness. Watch and See My Gems appear.

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