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  • MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word September 7, 2018

The Father says, I knew you when I created you. I knew you before this fallen world when you walked in perfection. I do not look upon you with disgust because you are not able to still walk in My perfection right now. Many think that I turn away when they fail. I have not moved nor do I intend to.

I already see the beginning from the end. What changes you is spending time with Me! There is no human effort that will alter you permanently but My Touch and Love will. Let Me take your brokenness and turn it into beauty. You are not called to strive in some religious rituals that are just a facade in reality. Be authentic before Me! The shed blood of Christ washes away your need for performance and perfection. Accept this Truth and Blessing.

People stare at what is wrong or what they do not like instead of seeing all the aspects that are going right and in My Glory. When you focus on the good and just give me the bad to deal with, you will find it much easier to jump over any height of hurdle that comes your way. Let Me do the Good work in you. I have not called you to clean yourself up before you come before Me. How could I expect something that is impossible for you to do.

Man will throw everything at you at once to fix, but when you yield to Me, I will address things one at a time. Pay attention to an area that seems to be coming up often right now. This is the issue that I am wanting to work on and change within you. Let Me guide you on how I will do this in and through you. I created you so I have the final say on what kind of vessel I Am molding you into. You belong to Me and not the world of opinions all around. See the Potter’s Wheel as a beautiful gift to you and not a reason to think that I Love you any less or differently. I Love you the same as the moment I created you. Nothing will ever change how I feel about you!

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