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Daily Prophetic Word December 31, 2017

Replenished Hope Ministries

The Father says, My Spirit is on the move! What you have been in waiting for is lying in wait for you! Nothing is about to look the same shortly. What you cried out for in Breakthrough is coming swiftly by My Voice and Hand alone. You are My Precious and I will deliver you from calamity. Feel My Pruning Knife cut away what is rotting in your life.

What is underneath may seem raw, but it is what will take you into the next season with Joy. You are carriers of My Glory. Do not look back lest Salt become in your eyes. Walk forward with full confidence that I Am is behind your very breath. Hold what is in your hands loosely. What I remove I will replace in greater portion and blessing.

You are outgrowing those who are not in My Flow. You cannot take everyone with you, and many will refuse to go forth as you do. Do not take this as a wound for I am not absent in these affairs. I will heal up your brokenness and restore you to fullness. Find your sword lighter in this hour as tasks become easier to complete for the next few months.

I am finishing up some details that will allow you to go higher and deeper in this next season. The water is flowing in plenty. Be sure to partake daily in what I offer so freely. Be replenished in all areas, not just a few. Ask Boldly for I am not a God of little or few. Stubborn areas are shifting into a gold mine over the next 18 months. Watch and See that I am with you. Nothing is Impossible!

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