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Daily Prophetic Word December 13, 2017

Replenished Hope Ministries

The Father says, Even on days that you desperately want to give up and quit, know that I am breaking through all that is keeping you bound. Your days of sadness will be replaced with My Unspeakable Joy! Focus on what is to come, and get your mind off of what you see in front of you right now. I will surely make it all fade away at the right moment.

My plans for mankind did not end because of the Garden of Eden. No, My plans continued because of the Garden of Eden. Many are angry because they do not understand My Heart and Perfect Love for mankind. Come to Me and share your heart. I will show you who I really am, and you will abandon all of the lies from the enemy.

I gave man free will, and I desire to work with you and not treat you like a puppet. Many cry out wanting me to change the free will of another. I have promised to use, what was meant for evil, for your good. Even if you cannot see how, I will make a way and as you yield to My Perfect Will, your eyes will see the blessings.

This moment on earth is but a small grain of sand compared to the vastness of your existence. You are more than you realize. Much Much More! I do not see you as being small. Grab a hold of how I see you, and what We are capable of doing together. I have more for you to experience and enjoy. Do not look at the path behind you. Come up higher to see the land of your life from My Vantage point. You will be amazed at all that you cannot see from your level. Let Me show you who you really are in Me!

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