The Father says, Come to My Rivers of Living Water. Taste and See the Goodness that I place before you this day. Decide to travel in more than the ordinary existence. For like a deer, I will place your feet in High Places. The religious mindsets will create clubs and exclude based upon silly rules. I say to you, that I exclude none of My Children from all that I have! You will receive for what you have faith to ask for, believe for, and trust in. Doubt robs and kills your blessings that I would so easily give to you. Do you Trust Me?
I Am wiping away what has caused you to get stuck in the mud. Old mindsets and ways of doing business are ceasing. Go with the flow of My Spirit and you will not miss this great shift I am doing in and through you. Be willing to let go of even teachings that sound good but in reality keep you on the wrong path outside of My Truth. I Am raising up and launching those that will carry My Plumbline. Pay attention to what offends you as it may be I that is truly offending your mind.
I will shake the tree you have rested in until each deception is removed. You must be willing to challenge and examine in order to discovery what is hidden. I will place key people in your path. Show them honor and you will unlock a blessing that only I will give you. Show them dishonor, and you will curse the land I have given you. Be mindful. I am calling My people higher and out of days of complaining about this or that. If you rise up against what I have called Good, then you are speaking against the very thing I have exposed you to for your own good.
Refresh your mind and heart in this hour. Let Me renew your spirit and clarify the journey once more. I have more to show you and do in and through you, but the childish ways must be put to rest. You cannot hold in your hands My plans when you are busy going on about your opinions. When have My ways ever looked like man’s ways? Change is in the Air. You have decisions and choices to make about how your future will unfold. I can lead you to the water, but I can’t make you partake.