The Father says, I Am looking for New Lampstands who will be carriers of My Fire and Glory. Ones who are willing to be tested, molded, and refined to My Standards and Pure Righteousness. I Am searching over the whole world for such a people. Double minded, wishy washy thinking will not do. Many raise their hands and say Yes me Lord, but quit at the first sign of difficulty.
Where are My Chosen and Elect? Are you mere takers in My Kingdom or are you doers of My Word? I set you apart for a reason. You have been called for more. My Heart aches to fill you up with My Oil. An Oil that never runs dry. Have you allowed cracks to develop in your vessel? Come to Me for I will restore and fill yet again.
Many have lost their glow. Turned away from the path to My Son long ago. Will you come back today just like the Prodigal son? Yield your heart and mind, and I will use you for greater things than you can imagine. The Call and Destiny I spoke over your life can still come into reality. Will you keep trying My Patience like a wicked servant, or will you take your place beside My Throne.
I Am requiring a decision today. Will you come or will you go? Will you run into My Arms with conviction? This Hour is why you were placed on this planet at this point in time. You are here to change this world for My Namesake. Now is your time! Place down all of your idols that keep you from My Fullness. Remove the blinders you had so willingly decided to wear.