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Daily Prophetic Word October 10, 2017

Replenished Hope Ministries

The Father says, Raise Your Banner of Praise for I Am Jehovah Nissi. I have come today as The Great Warrior in your life. Just as I came through for Moses and Joshua, I will also come through for you when You Call Upon Me. So Lift Your Hands Towards My Throne. Do not relent until you see My answer come forth.

I Am not a far off God nor do I ignore the Cries of My people. Know and Believe I fully intend to send My answer swiftly and completely. I leave nothing undone and no need unquenched. Do you believe and trust Me? Allow Me to be fully released today over you. Ask Me for what you need, and I will answer.

Do not let the world confuse your mind and heart. I am not finished with My Plans and You are Going to Love how things Turn out! Keep looking towards the Horizon for what I have spoken is arriving. The wait has been long enough, and I Am rejuvenating the Hope that was deferred. The New Dawn and New Beginning is your portion.

Take your Sword for even your wielding will be New. Let the former be forgotten and let your soul be Healed by My Touch. Give Me what is too heavy to carry. You were not meant to spend your time in wasted efforts. You are My Joy. My Will and Good Pleasure is to give you unprecedented favor for you are My Beloved whom I am well pleased with.

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