The Father says, “Carry the Lamp! Did you place it down for a time in pursuit of other things? Find that I have replenished the oil enough to burn until your end of days. Many have chased dead ends based on rumors and fears about what may come tomorrow. They believe they are holding My Lamps but when they were not looking, the enemy gave them a counterfeit.
Listen closely My Child. I have given Peace that Surpasses all Understanding. You are looking for signs that I have not called you to consider during your daily tasks. Be ready in season and out of season, but do not abandon your call and destiny on some notion that there will not be enough time to finish what I have given you. I created Time and I Am the ONLY ONE who knows when Time will cease.
Since I have not shared this with mankind, then why run to and fro looking for the sky to fall? What man thinks is the pattern and signs sets a foundation upon flawed logic. My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are not your ways. Rest in knowing that I have Authority over Heaven and Earth. Run the Race with complete focus on what I have placed in your Hands. Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself.
If something is taking you out of My Peace, then come and sit with Me until you gain clarity once more. I have not asked you to live a life of fear. I desire that you do not live a life of regret because you walked in fear instead. Keep your eyes looking forward and not down or other there. Be what I molded you to BE! Not what someone else would enjoy you more as. I will take care of everything beyond your responsibilities. Enjoy where you are, and get excited for where I am taking you!”