The Father says, “My Revival Trumpet has sounded over the Lands. My Restoration Shofar has been blown. Watch and See for the increased Angelic activity over My Creation. People to and fro notice the world changing rapidly over many decades, but think it means something that it does not. Forsake the logic of men and come sit by the Brook with Me for awhile.
It is My Glory to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out. If you are Mine then where are you seeking your knowledge? I desire to have an intimate relationship with you so come! Will I not reveal what has been hidden when you ask, seek, and knock? Will you be willing to wait for My Answer or will you grow bored and walk away?
Many are operating out of the wrong spirit because they know not what spirit they are actually from. In that, they expect My hand and voice to do what I have not planned for mankind. You must know your times and seasons. Consider that the world is not where you think in My plans for humanity. From the Foundations have I written the Blueprint in detail. Before there was sin, I had the plan for Salvation sealed in the blueprint. I have left nothing out of the journey for I know the Beginning from the End.
Many stopped looking for why I placed them for such a time as this because they are merely waiting to leave. NO! You have a purpose. You have a call. You have a destiny for I waste nothing including the reasons why you are here right now and not somewhere else. How can you find the Joy in what I am doing in your life if you are constantly pining to be somewhere else? It is time for My Bride to be fully vested and Hand in Hand for My Kingdom. I am here to bring these generations unto Myself! It is My Love for all people that is patient with My Creation hoping that none would perish!”