The Father says, “Do you want to know what Love is? I Am Love! There is nothing stronger nor purer than the essence that created everything and continues to move creation with My Breath over it all daily. My greatest desire is that you know My Love, not just the Cross, but in complete fullness. Can you imagine Love stronger than even the Cross? There is so much more for you to know, feel, and walk in.
People may say you can never really know if there is a God or not. Come Closer. I will show up and show off leaving no stone unturned. You will Know; You will Feel; and you will Walk in My Glory Presence until there is not a doubt in your mind about who I Am. Love is incomplete in human standards. It is fickle changing at a moments notice. My Love shoots through every single fiber of your being fully enveloping all parts in saturation.
What you know as of today is only a tiny portion of what I Am pouring out over My people. Stop what you are doing and Just Receive! There are no special entrance cards required. You are Mine and I will not stop until you too are walking in the overflow of My Love. No Limits and No Ending of this over your life. I will challenge every mindset you were imparted to falsely.
You are to live in My Heaven that has Come to Earth. You have full access. Do not let the world overwhelm you for I have Overcome the World. My Rivers are Flowing over the banks of despair. The Harvest is Glorious. Take from My Vines and be refreshed with the infilling of My Spirit. Never stop reaching for More in My Kingdom. You will arrive to what your heart desires.”