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Daily Prophetic Word May 26, 2017

Replenished Hope Ministries

The Father says, “Love is what makes the darkness lose its grip. Without Love there is only emptiness. Many are believing that they can make it with little Love coming into their lives. They have grown cold because people have failed them over and over. Walls have been built up to cope with the loss and betrayal.

Find that this aspect in your life is quickly shifting and changing. I am giving you a new perspective to see My Hand and movements in those moments. What you thought was truth is receiving My Divine Revelation and Understanding. I will heal you, and you will be able to forgive those that have trespassed against you. Do not reject this blessing for where I am taking you there will be no room for unresolved baggage.

Many have convinced themselves that the past no longer bothers them, but in their quiet moments the truth will surface. My Son died for your complete healing. Embrace the meaning of Complete. You are free in My Name, so choose to be free always. Come to Me with what troubles your soul. Being vexed of soul is not a way of life.

I will wash you clean and remove the spots and wrinkles. You are not called to do life without Me. Have you been trying lately? When you are feeling off balance, just turn around into My Arms. I already know what you have been up to. Leave your pride at the door so that I may restore you back into righteousness. Trust and Believe that I have Great and Jaw Dropping Plans for your life. You are the right person for what I created and destined you to become. Receive the Infilling of My Spirit today!”

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