The Father says, “I Am watching over My word to perform it. You have been waiting faithfully for Me to come through. I have not forgotten what I whispered in your ear. Just as I set your day for a rising up and laying down, your days will be filled with laughter once more. I see what you have been going through. I have not left you without My Presence and help in times of difficulty.
Watch what I do next! You have many questions swirling around in your mind. I will answer as you step forward. Many are waiting for the answers before they move. Your lack of movement is why things stopped flowing for you. You will not always know the mysteries before the Revelation. I Am taking you away from this situation despite this not feeling resolved for you.
Hear the Thunder in the distance. The Lightening is breaking through the atmosphere, cleaning out what is not part of this journey. You must let go of things that are not profiting your soul and spirit. You cannot be in fellowship with everyone and some will just waste your time if you allow it. You will find clarity and peace as you release.
I Am revealing the motives of others around you. Some you believed were for you, but I will show you their true heart. I Am cutting away with a clean strike of My Sword, to remove who will ultimately turn on you. My protection reaches far and wide. Do not grow a hard heart over this. I Am replacing the void with healthy vines that will attract and pull towards you the right people. Break the habits that are keeping you bound. The New Awaits you!”